5.2 Online Timed
Timed Games
Timed games in which all players are both online simultaneously and play using clocks and the game is played from start to end in one sitting. In some sites the time is set for you and in others you can choose how long the game will go for.
PLAYOK - Timed games GAYP and 3 Move is available via a random function. Free to JOIN and play. An unsupervised site but very popular. You can choose the time for the game from 1 minute to 30 minutes and also can set up additional seconds added per move from zero seconds added to 30 seconds added. If you have a site logon all games are available for review for a few months and you can review or study them. You can also play as an anonymous guest. Games can be rated or unrated.
FLY OR DIE - timed games GAYP. Interesting graphics. Games are 10 minutes in duration and if you have a logon game moves can be printed and reviewed.
CHECKERS ELITE - available on both Apple and Android devices. Colourful. You get 60 seconds per move maximum.
CHECKERS ONLINE - available on Apple devices. Has some other variants of checkers also. 20 seconds per move.
CHECKERS ONLINE - available on Android devices. Has some other variants of checkers also. 60 seconds per move.